EDIT UPDATE SAVE should not be possible on “Non Draft” ALM QUICKTEST_TYPE Automated scripts
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In general, if there is an ALM test script that is of the “QuickTest” type in any ALM project, using the external UFT/QTP automated tool we should be connect to that specific ALM project and be able to pull/fetch this automated test script, modify it and save the updated script back to respective ALM project. When the test script approval process is in place, something like Draft, For Approval, Approved. Ideally, the automatic test scripts which are with Draft approval status should be able to be pulled & modified externally from UFT, and further that updated script should be saved or loaded back to ALM. But since UFT doesn’t recognize/follow ALM workflow, even the automated test scripts which are Non Draft status like (For Approval, Approved) are being pulled & modified externally from UFT, and further that updated scripts are being saved or loaded back to ALM(which should not happen, as test script should be in locked stated for Non Draft approval status). Is there a way to fix the above concern? Can we place control in Script or settings or any where else in the configurations to make UFT work in such a way that it should only be able to access Draft automated test scripts for edit and update and it should not be able to edit/update/ save Non-Draft ALM automated test cases? Please advise.
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