For error one, this is typically caused by the Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is not disabled.
Disable the DEP. For example, if your current OS is Windows 7 you would do the following:
a. Navigate to Start/All Programs/Accessories/Command Prompt. Then right click Command Prompt and choose Run as administrator.
b. In the Administrator window, type in the command below and press Enter
bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOff.
c. You should see ''The operation completed successfully''. Close the Command Prompt.
For error two, this is typically caused by the script name and temp path was too long. By ensuring that the
''temp'' and ''tmp'' environment variables are set correctly will resolve this issue.
For Windows 2003 XP, 2008 and 7:
a. Right-click on the 'My Computer' icon on the desktop and select 'Properties'.
b. Go to the Advanced tab and click on the 'Environmental Variables' button.
c. There are two sections listed: User Variables and System Variables. Under each section, you should see a variable for TEMP and TMP.
d. Double-click on these entries, and modify the location to the temporary environment created above.
Change from C:Documents and Settings''user''Local SettingsTemp
Change to C:TEMP
e. Click ''Apply''.