Failed to Create Project error
Question ID: 105594

When attempting to copy a project in site admin, getting an error and unable to make the copy. This is in ALM 11.52.

Error Messages:

*Failed to Create Project;*

*Failed to create HP ALM project;*

*Failed to create project ‘TestProj’;*

*Cannot copy project ‘MyProj’ on domain ‘MyDomain’ from project ‘TestProj’ on domain ‘MyDomain’ since it is in the middle of online repository migration.;**

*Stack Trace:
com.hp.alm.platform.exception.CTdException: Cannot copy project ‘MyProj’ on domain ‘MyDomain’ from project ‘TesProj’ on domain ‘MyDomain’ since it is in the middle of online repository migration.*

Migration status from Site Admin shows the project (all projects in fact) is at 100%.

Any idea how to fix?

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Posted by (Questions: 104, Answers: 0)
Asked on September 17, 2014 2:44 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer


A fix that has been verified to correct this issue is to run the Repository Cleanup.

1. Log into site admin, click on the project you are trying to copy from.
2. From Project Details tab for your project, look to Repository Cleanup and click on the Promote
Repository Cleanup. The blue play button will become a blue square and the text will cahnge to Postpone Repository Cleanup.
3. Let this run for a while. It does not seem that site admin will refresh this and have seen that logging out of site admin and back in will show a change in the Postpone back to Promote when the process is actually complete.
4. When you see the Postpone has changed back to Promote (and blue play symbol is now blue stop symbol) then go about making your copy again.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 116)
Answered on September 17, 2014 2:47 pm
That worked. I was able to make a copy!
( at September 17, 2014 4:22 pm)

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