Failed to get Bug value
Question ID: 107170

User gets "Failed to get bug value" error after clicking on LOG IN button. click ok. Then user is able to get into QC and view all modules except for Defect module

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Posted by (Questions: 100, Answers: 4)
Asked on October 14, 2016 7:41 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

If this is just one user seeing the issue I would have them try restarting their machine.

If this does not resolve have them uninstall the ALM client from their machine using the ALM client uninstaller tool.

If uninstalling does not work sometimes it may be necessary to remove the user from the project via site admin then re-add the user to the project, this resets the users common settings folder and can sometimes fix issues like this.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 364)
Answered on October 14, 2016 7:44 pm

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