Having Trouble Recording a application developed for Chrome version 29?
Question ID: 105513

We are currently using LoadRunner 11.04 and trying to record a corporate custom app developed for Chrome v29. VUGen pops the Chrome browser interface up in a new window and sits there trying to ‘connect’. It eventually timesout. When launching the same URL using Chrome as standalone (without VUGen) it works fine.
Any input would be great.

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Posted by (Questions: 159, Answers: 15)
Asked on July 21, 2014 1:55 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

LoadRunner 11.0x does not support any version of Chrome above version 11.
LoadRunner 11.5x supports Chrome up to version 25. Chrome version updates occur constantly and do not introduce dramatic changes. So these versions can be supported as well.

Upgrading to LoadRunner 12 as it supports Chrome up to version 30.

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Posted by (Questions: 17, Answers: 266)
Answered on July 21, 2014 1:57 pm

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