History Graph missing from License Report page in AutoPass License Server
Question ID: 109745

For some reason, the History Graph is missing from the License Report page in our AutoPass License Server instance.  Is there a way to get it back?

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Posted by (Questions: 424, Answers: 91)
Asked on July 31, 2020 11:56 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

Sounds like an issue with the database connection trying to retrieve the license usage data for the graph.

Try these steps:

a.  Stop the AutoPass License Server service.

(In Windows, run the services.msc, find “AutoPass License Server” service and stop the service)

(In Linux, run the command - service hpLicenseServer stop)

b.  Edit the dbconfig.xml file in the APLS data folder and modify the value for

<property name="connection.pool_size">20</property>30

Default location for dbconfig.xml:

Windows:  %ProgramData%autopassaplslicenseserverdataconf

Linux:  /var/opt/autopass/apls/licenseserver/data/conf/

c.  Start the AutoPass License Server service:

(In Windows, run the services.msc, find “AutoPass License Server” service and start the service)

(In Linux, run the command - service hpLicenseServer start)

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 771)
Answered on July 31, 2020 12:03 pm
Really great stuff. I modified the connection.pool_size property value as instructed and my history graph is back!
( at July 31, 2020 12:05 pm)

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