How can I connect Service Test to a MySQL database
Question ID: 104568

I need to connect to a MySQL database to get data for checkpoints for my functional test in HP Service Test. I am having trouble connecting using the Datalink properties wizard thing. I am not sure whether I need a system DSN, or what Provider to use, what driver I need installed on the Service Test client, etc.

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Posted by (Questions: 36, Answers: 3)
Asked on August 22, 2012 10:23 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

You have to use a DSN less connection based on the MSDATASHAPE provider and using the ODBC driver from MySQL. In other words, don't use the Windows common dialog datalink properties window to build the connect string. Build you connect string manually and then just paste it into the Service Test screens as shown in the document at:
[How to Connect Service Test to MySQL][1]


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Posted by (Questions: 6, Answers: 167)
Answered on August 22, 2012 10:33 am
That's a great document with very clear instructions. It seemed hard, but now it seems so easy. Thanks CMerc.
( at August 22, 2012 10:48 am)

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