How can I research a memory leak using AppDynamics?
Question ID: 106611

We believe we have found a possible memory leak and would like to know how to use AppDynamics to assist in finding the source.

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Asked on January 26, 2016 4:20 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

AppDynamics can be a powerful tool to use to help find memory leak issues. The steps below are recommended to do in a test environment and not production as it will take more resources to run these troubleshooting steps:

1. Identify which Java agent could be the culprit of the leak.
2. Go to that application and arrange for a Memory Leak Detection session.
a. App Servers
b. Select the server
c. Select Memory
d. Select Memory Leak
3. Start a memory leak detection session that will add increased system resources to the jvm.
a. Start an on demand capture session
4. You can then look at starting a Content Inspection Session.
a. This allows for the agent to identify which part of the application the collection belongs to.
5. You can also start an Access Tracking session.
a. This allows the agent to identify the code and/or business transaction that is accessing the collection.
6. Both of these are available once the Automatic Leak Detection is on and the On Demand Capture Session has been selected. Then click on the object of interest and the options for both Access Tracking and Content Inspection will be available.
7. If it can't be found by these methods (static collection) then we will need to use the Custom Memory Structures option.
a. The automatic leak detection feature captures memory usage data for all map and collection libraries in a JVM session
b. Custom memory structures is used to monitor large coarse grained custom cache objects.
c. Need to have Automatic Leak Detection on with Demand Capture Session to determine what cache's are not being monitored
d. Use that information to fill in the ''Configure Custom Memory Structure''
i. Fill in the class information for the configuration on the right
1. Static field
2. Contructor
3. Method
e. Once configured restart the JVM and start the Custom Memory Structure by selecting On.
f. Then start the Automatic Leak Detection with Demand Capture Session running.
8. If still no dice start Object Instance Tracking.
a. This would be used to isolate if memory thrash is occurring.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 90)
Answered on January 26, 2016 5:03 pm

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