How do I configure a Health Rule in AppDynmics?
Question ID: 106132

I have heard that health rules can be a very proactive way to monitor your system to mitigate issues before they become a problem. How do I set this up in AppDynamics?

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Posted by (Questions: 89, Answers: 0)
Asked on June 12, 2015 7:54 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

* Under Alert & Respond -> Health Rules

By default AppDynamics offers certain health rules and learns the typical behaviors of the application to set the threshold values for each rule. This is done without any user configuration.

One of the health rules offered is CPU Utilization too high:

By default AppDynamics is set to evaluate 30 minutes worth of data

During normal CPU utilization AppDynamics will check the CPU once a minute until the threshold is crossed
It will then check the CPU again every 30 minutes to limit the amount of alerts received in order not to drown out other important alerts. This can be adjusted if needed

By default Health Rules are set to affect application wide and to cover all Nodes

This can be adjusted to individual Nodes

You can set two levels of conditions

1. Critical
2. Warning

This allows you to send warnings to the event viewer and emails for critical events.

You can also set up a Health Rule from the Health Rules page

1. Click ''+'' will bring up the configuration screen for a new health rule
2. Here you name your health rule

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 90)
Answered on June 12, 2015 8:12 pm

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