How do I get load to show for the database monitoring for AppDyanmics?
Question ID: 106423

I have installed the database agent in ALM for AppDynamics, but I am not seeing any load in the Controller. How can I see the data/load after installing the database agent?

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Posted by (Questions: 89, Answers: 0)
Asked on October 2, 2015 4:02 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

In order to monitor you database with AppDynamics you need to ensure you have done the following:

1. Downloaded the corrected database agent version from AppDynamics website. It should match the version of your Application Agents
2. Installed the agent on the same server/jvm that is hosting the application being monitored and that is making the database calls.
3. Configured the controller-info.xml file the same way that the application agent controller-info.xml file was configured. The database agent does not need to have the tier or node information in the xml file.
4. A .bat script needs to be created with the following syntax: C:java -Djava.library.path=''authx64'' -Dappdynamics.agent.uniqueHostId= -Daccount.access.key-jar db-agent.jar
5. Once that is done open an elevated command prompt and run the .bat file
6. Check the database log file to ensure the agent started successfully. You should see ''Database Agent started successfully.'' confirmation in the log.
7. Then go to your controller and click on the setting wheel in the top right hand side of the Controller
8. Click ''AppDynamics Agents''
9. Then click on ''Database Agents''
10. Ensure that the database agent you started is seen in this screen.

After confirmation of the successful installation of the database agent you must then configure the Collector.
To configure the collector:

1. Ensure that the user that will be accessing the database from the application has admin rights
2. Ensure that the application has access to the database
3. Click on the Database tab at the top of the Controller UI
4. Click on ''Configure''
5. Click on ''Collector''
6. Fill in the requested information for database access
7. You do not need ''Custom JDBC database connection string'' unless you are using a specific string to gain access to the database.
8. If you want to monitor OS hardware metrics of the database select ''Hardware Monitoring'' and fill in the authentication information.
9. Click ''OK''
10. You should now see the database collector. It can take up to a minute to see the status turn green waiting on the database agent to report.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 90)
Answered on October 2, 2015 6:02 pm

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