How do I install the AppDynamics Controller?
Question ID: 106068

I am wanting to know how involved it is to install the Controller for AppDynamics.

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Posted by (Questions: 89, Answers: 0)
Asked on April 29, 2015 7:40 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

* Get installer on website for 15 day trial
* Can install on 64 and 32 bit machines for Windows and Linux.
* The controller is the heart of an AppDynamics system
o Application data is stored analyzed and presented here
* AppDynamics and host the controller as a service or it can be installed on your own local machine
* After download you have a zipped file including 2 files
o License file
o Installer script - Change permissions here to make it runnable before installing.
* During installation AppDynamics will check the system for any missing prerequisites of software.
* Configure several authentication users during installation
o MySQL DB needs one
* Review ports to ensure they are not being used. If so change them using the ''Edit Ports'' button
* Multi Tenancy Mode lets you keep multiple applications separate in the Controller.
o Each Tenant in the Controller has its own application, users, and configuration
* Next authentication user needed is the Controller Root User
o Used to access the Admin console UI
o Contains advance settings for the controller
§ Metric retention settings
* Another authentication user is the Admin.
o For a specific account
o Can add users to the account
o In a multi tenant controller, each account would have its own Admin user
* In the Profile screen choose the size of your installation.
o Based on the number of agents that report to the Controller
* You can deploy Controller HA pairs for production fault tolerance.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 90)
Answered on April 29, 2015 7:47 pm

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