How do I move one project’s database to a different DB server?
Question ID: 108589

We did a migration of our QC/ALM server a few months ago and somehow missed moving the SQL-Server DB for one of our projects to the new DB server. The project has been working alright otherwise, but NOW we need to de-commission the OLD DB server and this project DB needs to move to the same server as the rest of our QC projects.

How do I do this?

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Posted by (Questions: 99, Answers: 7)
Asked on August 6, 2018 3:24 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Here are the steps to ''relocate'' your Project DB's to a new DB Server:

1) Go to Project details for the given project and look for the ''Project Directory'' - this is the repository folder.

2) Open the Project's repository folder with a file manager - here you should see a ''ProjRep'' folder and a dbid.xml file - leave this folder open

3) Rt-click on your project in Site Admin and REMOVE it - it should go out of the project list/tree

4) Have your DBA migrate the DB from the OLD location to the NEW location and perform the stored procedure to ''fix'' the td user in SQL-Server.

EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'td', 'td'

NOTE: if using Oracle instead of SQL-Server, you don't need to do this, just make sure the Schema-user password is the same as your other project schemas.

5) Edit your DBID.xml file for this project to fix the DB CONN STR and DBSERVER tag to point to the ''new'' location (look at a DBID.XML for a working project in proper DB location for example). Then save file (you may need to save to desktop and move into position if OS file security stops you from doing normal save).

6) Rt-Click on DOMAIN where project was before (i.e. Default) and RESTORE, then select DBID.xml form the folder you edited the file from. review the data it presents and continue restore.

7) check that project in tree says it is in the correct DB server, and check with client.

After moving all projects that were in ''wrong'' DB server, go to DB SERVER tab and try to ''delete'' old DB Serer from list. If there are NO projects using the DB server, it will allow you to delete it, if any are using it, it will throw an error telling you the first one using it still.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on August 6, 2018 3:32 pm

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