How do you capture the Detected in Release field of a Defect?
Question ID: 106639

I can see the Detected in Release field when I create a defect but I can’t seem to capture it to export it to Excel or display it in an email using Workflow code. What am I missing?

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Posted by (Questions: 204, Answers: 2)
Asked on January 27, 2016 8:13 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

This was not made easy by HP, but here is some background information:

The ''Detected in Release'' field is a standard QC one:

Project Entities > Defect > System Fields > Detected in Release [table BUG, field BG_DETECTED_IN_REL, type: number]

In the user interface, the field displays a drop down with a tree list of the releases defined under the ''Management > Releases'' module in QC

What's stored in the database [BUG.BG_DETECTED_IN_REL] is the ''Release ID'' number.

Now... in my code I'm trying to read the value of this field using the code:
vRel = Bug_Fields(''BG_DETECTED_IN_REL'').Value
but vRel is always returned empty, no value, nada.

What is the trick?

The solution is relative simple:

Bug_Fields(''BG_DETECTED_IN_REL'').Value is just another object.

So, to fetch the name of the release use it accordingly.


msgbox ''Value: '' & Bug_Fields(''BG_DETECTED_IN_REL'').Value.Name

This is certainly not intuitive but it does work.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 216)
Answered on January 27, 2016 8:23 pm

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