How to automate items in the BPT Requests Folder?
Question ID: 104187

I have some new Business Process Tests where I used the "New Component Request…" button on the Test Script tab to leave a placeholder for a component that hasn’t been created yet.

When I go to the "Business Components" section of Quality Center (using the toolbar on the far left: Management, Requirements, Business Components, Test Plan, Test Resources, Test Lab, Defects, Dashboard), and select one of these components under the "Component Requests" node of the tree, the toolbar in the "Design Steps" tab does not have an "Automate Component" button. Yet, if I select the "Automation" tab, there is a message that says "This is a manual component. To automate it, open the Design Steps tab and click the Automate component button."

In QuickTest Professional, if I choose the Open: Business/Scripted Component… option, the folders that are accessible only include those with previously created components (there is no folder for Component Requests).

What do I need to do in order to automate these requested components?

Thank you.

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Posted by (Questions: 23, Answers: 1)
Asked on August 12, 2010 7:43 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

There are a couple of areas that provide the answer.

The component request needs to be moved out of the request folder to a BPT folder before any changes can be made.

1) HP Business Process Testing Guide

In the HP Business Process Testing Guide on Page 141, Section Handling Component Requests...
''After a component request has been submitted from the Test Plan module, it
is automatically displayed in the Component Requests folder in the
component tree of the Business Components module. Component requests
cannot be copied or modified in the Component Requests folder.
You can then add the requested business component to a component folder
in the component tree, and edit its properties if required.''

2) Quality Center Help

The Quality Center Help Screen provides the instructions you need. Quality Center > Help > Business Process Testing User Guide > Getting Started with the Business Components Module > Introducing the Business Components Module Window > Component Requests

In the fourth paragraph of the Component Requests Section......
''To change component requests to official business components of the project, you can drag them from the Component Requests folder and drop them in the appropriate folder in the component tree, or cut and paste them into a component folder. ''

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 613)
Answered on August 12, 2010 7:53 pm
Yep, that was the missing step. I just needed to move from the BPT Component Request Folder to a BPT component folder.
( at August 12, 2010 8:02 pm)
No Problem, Happy to help.
( at August 12, 2010 8:04 pm)

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