How to change the order of Test Plan fields in Quality Center?
Question ID: 104080

How to change the order of Test Plan fields?

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Posted by (Questions: 23, Answers: 1)
Asked on April 5, 2010 6:37 pm
Answers (2)
Private answer

Using workflow to change the order of Test Plan fields

Custom workflow is required to change the order of the fields in the Test Plan module. The order is changed using the ViewOrder property.

The ViewOrder must be modified in both the Test_New and Test_MoveTo subroutines.

Fields are displayed Left to Right, Top to Bottom.

See the example below.

Sub Test_New 'Remember to also include in the Test_MoveTo subroutine
Test_Fields(''TS_NAME'').ViewOrder=10 'Test Name field
Test_Fields(''TS_TEST_ID'').ViewOrder=20 'Test ID field
Test_Fields(''TS_USER_03'').ViewOrder=30 'Test Focus field
Test_Fields(''TS_USER_04'').ViewOrder=40 'Test Risk field
Test_Fields(''TS_USER_05'').ViewOrder=50 'Critical Path field
Test_Fields(''TS_USER_06'').ViewOrder=60 'Test Use field
Test_Fields(''TS_USER_07'').ViewOrder=70 'Estimated Test Duration
Test_Fields(''TS_RESPONSIBLE'').ViewOrder=80 'Designer
Test_Fields(''TS_USER_01'').ViewOrder=90 'Created in Project field
Test_Fields(''TS_USER_02'').ViewOrder=100 'Modified in Project field
Test_Fields(''TS_CREATION_DATE'').ViewOrder=110 'Creation Date
End Sub

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 613)
Answered on April 5, 2010 6:40 pm
Private answer

I want to change the view order input coolumns in Test Plan . These inout columns in Business component module can be arrange in an order but while pull the component in to Test Plan , the order would be lost. Can you help us to know how this can be changed

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 1)
Answered on May 23, 2010 7:35 am

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