How to display or convert UserID to User Full Name without adding new field?
Question ID: 108455


I am scratching my head to display or populate or convert userID (example: 000123456) to User full name "Jack Chau" in Assigned To and Detected By, both System field. The process should update existing defects or Test cases or Requirement as well as should work for any future defects or Test Cases or Requirements.

So, I would like to see some magical code that will do the job.

Thank you much.

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Posted by (Questions: 30, Answers: 35)
Asked on June 20, 2018 6:37 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

The only way that you may possibly be able to make this display change is through some sort of masking and reassignment of the displayed field through a complex set oof work flow that would need to be created and called from each module function in order to have it display as desired . The default coding is for the display of the userID and since your company has decided to use a numerical ID and not the users name then you are limited to this type of display, unless the company decided to rework their LDAP to assign a name instead of a number to your users. Either way this would not be something that would update and change the record as you don't want to manipulate and change the back end data so this would be solely done on the way the information is displayed and not in how it is saved, You would need to make some sort of masking of the display and it would be a more complex code if it is even possible as I have never seen such a drastic change and reassignment occur.


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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 770)
Answered on October 16, 2018 3:22 pm

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