How to Import Test cases from Word to HP ALM
Question ID: 108207

can you please help me to import test cases using MS- word add – in

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Posted by (Questions: 18, Answers: 7)
Asked on March 19, 2018 5:28 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

I have tried to import the test cases from word to ALM and here is the output.

When I'm formatting test plan data in word document I felt its very tedious work to mark the correct format. Below is the a word document with simple example of test case format for import test cases from Word to ALM.

[1]: /storage/temp/778-word-format.png

Steps for formatting test plan data in word as follows:
1. Create table in word document with specific columns and rows
2. Format the test plan fields in the table and keep the data in each field.

Note: It's basically time consuming process and not recommended to import test cases from word to ALM. Word Import has absolutely NO intelligence. The formatting will be all over the place and EXTREMELY difficult to consistently do the ''tagging''/''markup'' for a valid bulk import. there WILL DEFINITELY be many failed imports, burning up ID #'s because users end up deleting failed imported records with the wrong strings in the wrong fields.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 15)
Answered on March 26, 2018 12:30 pm

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