How to link requirements from other projects.
Question ID: 106878

Our team is trying to use HP QC as a repository of requirements for all the applications. All requirements are placed in one project and no other modules are used in that project. When I login to a secondary project, I want to link/select (not copied or moved) to the requirements of the first project (with all the requirements). Is there a way to do this in Quality Center?

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Posted by (Questions: 122, Answers: 3)
Asked on May 17, 2016 6:49 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

You may consider looking into libraries and baselines. In this feature you would import a copy of a group of entities (such as requirements) from one project to another. The entities can be changed / adjusted in the destination. However, a comparison to the original can always be made and any changes may be reverted out.

Otherwise, there is unforntately no feature functionality that would allow the entities in the one project to be directly linked across projects. They can only be copied.

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Posted by (Questions: 3, Answers: 168)
Answered on May 17, 2016 6:50 pm

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