How to perform a silent install on QC10 client machine with MSI installer
Question ID: 105739

I’m looking for help on performing a client side MSI install silently. While there is a note about running it with the /qn switch, this seems to install the client for just the user executing the install. In other words, a "Just Me" install when using the GUI during the install process. I need to perform an "Everyone" install for all users on the machine, but I have not had any luck with getting this to work trying various switches. Can you advise on how this is done?

I would also like to silently install the Connectivity add-in. Please advise if there is a way to do this as well.

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Posted by (Questions: 122, Answers: 3)
Asked on December 2, 2014 2:49 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Installing the MSI for All Users requires the Microsoft parameter ''ALLUSERS=1''.

C:>QCClient.msi /qn ALLUSERS=1

To run the Connectivity add-in in silent mode, use the -s and -as switches.

C:>TDConnect.exe -s -as

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Posted by (Questions: 3, Answers: 168)
Answered on December 2, 2014 2:50 pm
Thanks! Those switches worked perfectly. As a follow up question, our user's machines have the patch 25 client currently on their machines. I'm seeing that I can't just install the patch 31 client without it prompting me to first uninstall the current version first. Is there a similar silent uninstall set of switches to uninstall the QCclient.msi? I see some switches for this, but my first round of trying it didn't work.
( at December 2, 2014 2:53 pm)
To uninstall the previous installation, use the Microsoft Installer command and point to the msi file with the /x switch to uninstall and the /qn switch for slient mode. **Example:** c:\>msiexec /x QCClient.msi /qn
( at December 2, 2014 2:55 pm)

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