How to release UFT licenses from AutoPass License Server?
Question ID: 109067

We’re using UFT 14.x with AutoPass License Server.
How can a license consumption be controlled if a user is idle but still holds a license? In UFT 12.x, restarting the Sentinel service would suffice for this purpose. What is the duration of license being active even if machine is idle?

Is there something similar for UFT 14.x in AutoPass, if yes then how can held licenses be terminated for idle machines and make it available for use?

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Posted by (Questions: 387, Answers: 66)
Asked on July 25, 2019 9:07 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

You can set the LicenseAutoReleaseInterval on UFT Client machines by editing the C:\binLicenseSettings.xml file. The default for this field is 0, which means there is no release. You can set this to the number of minutes you want for a machine to be idle until the license is released.

In UFT 14.02 and later versions and when using AutoPass License Server (APLS) 9.3.2 and later versions, you can make this a global setting for all clients on the APLS Server.

''Steps to configure license auto release interval at Server side:
1 - Navigate to the server data folder - 'C:ProgramDataHPHP AutoPass License ServerAutoPassLicenseServerdataconf'
2- Edit the 'HPE UFT.xml' file (Make sure to modify HPE UFT.xml).
3- Add the following key before tag closes in mentioned file.
4- Restart the APLS service.

The line:
Defines the number of minutes, with no keyboard or mouse input, after which UFT or LeanFT releases the currently used concurrent license. So in above example license will be released after 2 minutes with no keyboard or mouse input.''

Please see [KM03127482][1] for more details.

Licenses can be revoked from idle users using the following steps:

1. From the APLS License Usage screen, click on the Feature ID:Version link for the UFT licenses.
2. On the HP Unified Functional Testing Concurrent User screen, scroll down to the section that shows the licenses in use.
3. Click on the Client Info links until you find the client that you want to release.
4. Check the selection box of the client you want to release and click the Revoke button.

It may take a couple of minutes for the License Usage screen to update and show that the license is no longer in use, so wait a little bit and refresh the screen. This and other license management information can be found by clicking on the Help Link of any page on the AutoPass License Server Dashboard.


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Posted by (Questions: 18, Answers: 807)
Answered on July 25, 2019 9:07 pm
That's going to be really useful, thanks for that information.
( at July 25, 2019 9:09 pm)

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