I need to URL encode a string in a LoadRunner script, does anyone have a C function to do that?
Question ID: 104122

I need to URL encode a string in a LoadRunner script, I need a C function to do that, but i am not sure where to start. Has anyone written such a function before?

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Posted by (Questions: 36, Answers: 3)
Asked on May 20, 2010 6:04 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Use this function to URL encode a string for use in LoadRunner scripts. The function takes in the original string and the parameter name you wish to save the encoded string out to.

// Function:    encodeString
// Inputs:  original = The original un-encoded string
//      output_param_name = Parameter name the encoded string will be saved to.
// Outputs:     <none>
// Description: URL Encodes a string.
void encodeString(const char * original,char * output_param_name)
    int counter, out_counter;
    char * encodedStr = (char *)malloc((strlen(original)*2)+1); // will make sure there is enough room for new string
    char buffer[4]; // buffer to hold hexidecimal version of the character
            sprintf(buffer, ''%%%X'', original[counter]); //prints %Hex_Value (%20) of the original character
            //grabs first three characters of the buffer which is the hex value we want
            encodedStr[out_counter++] = buffer[0];
            encodedStr[out_counter++] = buffer[1];
            encodedStr[out_counter] = buffer[2];

    encodedStr[out_counter]=''; //end the string
    lr_save_string(encodedStr,output_param_name); //save string into parameter
    free(encodedStr); //free memory
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Posted by (Questions: 6, Answers: 167)
Answered on May 20, 2010 6:07 pm

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