If we upgrade the LR VUGEN from 11.03 to 11.52.1, does the LR Controller and Load Gennerators also have to be upgraded to 11.52.1?
Question ID: 105171

So in other words, will LR scripts built on VUGEN 11.52.1 work on Controller 11.03?

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Posted by (Questions: 231, Answers: 18)
Asked on November 19, 2013 7:22 pm
Answers (2)
Private answer

NO, The LR controller 11.03 will not run scripts created in controller or on the LGs for versions 11.04, 11.50, 11.51 or 11.52p1 properly.

You can created and use scripts from older versions of Vugen and then use in the newer version. The only thing is you must open the ''old'' script in the New VuGen to update it. BEFORE running in the new controller.

Is it best to have All LoadRunner components at the same version/patch level.

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Posted by (Questions: 12, Answers: 384)
Answered on November 19, 2013 7:31 pm
Private answer

You need to have all LR components at the same version and patch level.
You DON'T need to open old scripts in VuGen before running in Controller. LR is backward compatible and can handle older scripts and scenarios.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 2)
Answered on February 10, 2014 5:46 am

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