Follow these steps to perform an in-place upgrade of AutoPass 9.x to 10.9.0 on your license server machine:
1) Download AutoPass License Server 10.9.0 (obtain from your support provider).
2) Stop the AutoPass Windows Service.
3) Just in case, locate and make a *backup* of your current AutoPass Data directory and *keep it in place*:
Yours might be different depending on what you set during the original install, but your AutoPass Data directory will most likely be found here:
%ProgramData%HPHP AutoPass License ServerAutoPassLicenseServerdata
4) Uninstall your current version of AutoPass from Windows Control Panel.
5) Delete the following "Zero G Registry" directory (NOTE: this directory will be hidden!)
C:Program FilesZero G Registry
6) Reboot.
7) Install AutoPass 10.9.0 (it will automatically pick up your existing data directory from Step 2 that is still in place).
8) OPTIONAL: AutoPass 10.9.0 only works with UFT 14.5x out-of-the-box. If you need backwards compatibility with UFT v14.0x clients, ask your support provider to provide the additional backwards compatibility coniguration/fix.