In VuGen 12.60, while script creation, in the parameter settings, ”Same line as ” selection is not saving.
Question ID: 108646

In VuGen 12.60, while script creation, in the parameter settings, "Same line as " selection is not saving. Though the option is picked and saved, the selection is reverted back to old settings.

Is this a bug?

how do I fix this?

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Posted by (Questions: 231, Answers: 18)
Asked on October 17, 2018 4:32 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

**Yes, it is a bug!**

A hotfix was made available on the 4-Oct-2018 from Micro Focus, for this very issue; Cannot set parameter to ''same line as'' in parameters list settings when few parameters exist. It keeps defaulting to ''sequential''

The Solution for both LR 12.60 and PC 12.60 environments:

1. Download theHotfix ''Fix99994.zipand unzip the downloaded file. It contains a fix for each language including English (default installations are in English)
2. Close VuGen and Controller, if open
3. Take a backup of the original''paramui.dll'' in the [LoadRunner Installation Folder]bin folder
4. Place the selected language paramui.dll file from the zip file into [LoadRunner Installation Folder]bin
5. Reboot

Do this on ALL PC host (Controller) machines and ALL standalone VuGen machines.

IF you are a **Orasi Support Customer** please open a case to get this hotfix. A case can be opened:

* At


* By email to


* by Phone 678-819-5315

Additionally, on the Micro Focus support site you can get the hotfix by searching for KM03263663

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Posted by (Questions: 12, Answers: 384)
Answered on October 17, 2018 4:38 pm

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