This can be done. I have included some code below that sends an email from a gmail account (these settings should work for any gmail account). Settings for your specific SMTP server will be different. You can find information on the different available settings here: [][1]
MyResult = SendCDOMessage('''', '''', ''Email Subject!'', ''Email Body!!'')
msgbox MyResult
Public Function SendCDOMessage(EmailTo, EmailFrom, EmailSubject, MessageBody)
Set oEmail = CreateObject(''CDO.Message'')
' Set message details
oEmail.Subject = EmailSubject
oEmail.Sender = EmailFrom
oEmail.From = EmailFrom
oEmail.To = EmailTo
oEmail.AutoGenerateTextBody = True
oEmail.HTMLBody = MessageBody
' Set configuration
oEmail.Configuration.Fields('''') = True
oEmail.Configuration.Fields('''') = 1
oEmail.Configuration.Fields('''')= EmailFrom
oEmail.Configuration.Fields('''') = ''SetecAstronomy''
oEmail.Configuration.Fields('''') = ''''
oEmail.Configuration.Fields('''') = 2
oEmail.Configuration.Fields('''') = 465
' Send the message
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
SendCDOMessage = False
SendCDOMessage = True
End If
Set oMessage = Nothing
End Function