Is there an easy way to switch our SQL-Server QC Project DB’s from Windows-auth to SQL-auth?
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We are upgrading our QC server to ALM11.52 and our SQL-Server to SQL2008. We are also migrating all of our Databases from a SQL-Server 2005 instance that was using "Windows authentication" to a new SQL-Server 2008 insance the we want to use "SQL-authentication" with. Is there an easy way to switch this? When we look at our tables for our old Project Databases, each one is prefixed with "dbo." — I guess that means "Windows authentication"? On our new server (we did a NEW creation of the qcsiteadmin_db with SQL-authentication), we created a new project and looking at the tables for that database, each table is prefixed with "td.". This must mean it is using "SQL Authentication", since we now have a user, "td" in SQL Server that was created by QC when we installed it.
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