LDAP User Authentication issues with ALM?
Question ID: 105201

I am having an issue where only a few users are having issues authenticating to the LDAP server. Some can’t authenticate at all, and others are not able to authenticate every time, just every so often and we are unable to figure out any pattern to this.

Any ideas would be very helpful and much appreciated in trying to resolve this issue.


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Posted by (Questions: 379, Answers: 35)
Asked on January 8, 2014 8:30 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Hi Homer,
The following recommendations procedures/ steps I would recommend for trouble shooting this sort of issue are as follows:

These two steps can help narrow the issue down to whether it might be local/ client system or user account related:

1. Have the user try to log into QC/ALM on another user's system that is working normally.
2. Then I would then have that other user try to log into the user's system that is experiencing the issues

If the issue appears to be user account related then I would get the site admin for QC/ ALM to delete/ remove the user account and re-import that user account to insure that the account information is the latest and correct information as supplied by the LDAP server.
* take note that the user will have to have the projects added back to their user account and also be added back into the correct user groups within the respective projects to insure that the user can access the projects and has the correct permissions. Only one group is recommended per project to be added to the user to insure that the correct permissions are assigned and that permissions don't cross propagate.

If the user is still having issues after the account is readied to the QC/ ALM system, then I would try the following:

1. Verify with the Active Directory/ LDAP management group that the user is within the correct domain grouping and the account is configured correctly.
2. I would verify that only one account exists for the user and the information gathered is correct (one way to check whether only one account exists is to log into a directory for the addressing, such as using Outlook and start by creating a new email, then search the global directory for the users name and see how many accounts are returned, should only be one).

If these are all normal then I would try the following if the user is using Windows 7 or later to delete the Saved System Credentials:

In order to delete the unnecesary/ unneeded/ errant credentials. Perform the following:

1. Click the start button
2. Select the Control Panel
3. Select the ''User Accounts'' setting/ option
4. On the left side menu, select the ''Manage Credentials'' option
5. then within this screen delete/ remove the credentials that are not needed/ errant/ unnecessay

We then deleted the TD_80 folder to insure that the latest data was on the system (this folder is just a temporary folder for user temporary information for the ALM client usage for the user, and will be recreated again when the user logs into the ALM system for the first time after it was deleted).

To delet the TD_80 folder perform the following:
1. Launch a Windows/ File Explorer
2.Type %temp% into the URL navigation bar at the top of the window and hit enter
3. The temp folder will open (if it does not then the usr must enter the Views setting and select the option to show hidden folders for the explorer window)
4. Scroll to the TD_80 folder and then delete it.
5, Close the Windows/ File Explorer window

I hope this helps and gives a good place to start when dealing with possible LDAP Authentication related issues.


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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 770)
Answered on January 8, 2014 8:49 pm
We had tried lots of those, but the deletion of the Windows Credentials was something we hadn't thought of or tried and resolved our issues. Thanks for the helpful advice.
( at January 8, 2014 8:51 pm)

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