Local vs. Shared Repositories for UFT
Question ID: 105448

How do I save objects to a shared repository? When I use Object Spy it always saves objects to the local repository. Is there a way to save directly to a shared repository? If not, is there a way to easily move them from the local repository to a shared repository. I know about exporting local objects to a new-shared repository but I just want to add to an existing shared repository. Is there a way to simply get a new object from Object Spy into a shared repository?

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Posted by (Questions: 22, Answers: 6)
Asked on June 24, 2014 7:58 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

No there is no way to have objects in Object Spy to save to a Shared Object Repository (SOR).
To move from Local Object Repository (LOR) to SOR with UFT. (QTP is different)

1. To get to the 'Object Repository Manager'
From UFT go to Resources > 'Object Repository Manager...''
2. Load the Shared object repository in the 'Object Repository Manager'. File > Open
3. UFT enable editing. File >'' Enable Editing''.
4. Update Shared Object Repository in the 'Object Repository Manager'. Tools > 'Update from local repository....'
5. Select the test that has LOR objects to be updated.
6. Update SOR and work thru the merge Results.

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 98)
Answered on June 24, 2014 8:01 pm

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