Make all ALM server addresses point to the SSL site
Question ID: 106254

We have recently setup our ALM 12 server to use SSL. We would like to somehow setup the ALM server so that if a user navigated to any address for ALM for example http://ourALMserver/qcbin or http://ourALMserver:8080/qcbin would all resolve and take them to the SSL port located at https://ourALMserver:8443/qcbin. The reasoning behind this is that many users already have bookmarks and other QC related apps that point to the non SSL site, how can we make sure that whatever address that they use to get to QC will take them to the SSL version?

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Posted by (Questions: 100, Answers: 5)
Asked on July 30, 2015 3:24 pm
Answers (2)
Private answer

This could not be done through ALM but you could do this through IIS in windows on the ALM server. In IIS select the machine in the left pane, then click the ''HTTP Redirect'' icon:

![alt text][1]

Then click the checkbox ''Redirect requests to this destination'' and put in the secure URL to ALM:

![alt text][2]

Then when a user navigates to ALM using any url they will be redirected to the secure site.

[1]: /storage/temp/310-http-redirect.png
[2]: /storage/temp/311-redirect-done.png

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 364)
Answered on July 30, 2015 3:31 pm
Another note, they will still have to put /qcbin at the end of any url that they use to access the ALM machine.
( at July 30, 2015 3:33 pm)
Private answer

In 12.6 and later, if your ALM/QC server is already using SSL/HTTPS, you can add a clause to your jetty-ssl.xml to allow it to "redirect" HTTP URL to HTTPS.

See Install Guide for 12.6 and later section called "Redirect http to https".

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on February 21, 2020 5:09 pm

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