MC – Technical Issue: Unable to connect iOS devices to Mobile Center, version 2.51
Question ID: 108265


We have been experiencing issues connecting iOS device with Mobile Center.
Tried first level troubleshooting and tried pulling up the device log using steps below:
* Open command prompt and go to: \\libimobiledevice\\windows-amd64\\idevicesyslog.exe
* Run below command:
idevicesyslog.exe -u Device_UDID > C:\\temp\\iOSDevice.log
For example:
idevicesyslog.exe -u 4b4271d34448554385899ce22cefba0f91f9ef53 > C:\\temp\\iOSDevice.log
* Connect the device and wait a couple of minutes
* Stop capturing the device log (Ctrl+C)
* The device log will be created under: "C:\\temp\\iOSDevice.log

But an error was received while running idevicesyslog.exe:

ERROR: Could not start service
Could not start logger for udid eb809af802475335bbd143eaea97c66c5e668009

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Posted by (Questions: 204, Answers: 2)
Asked on April 25, 2018 2:29 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Go Dawgs,

After an email discussion with MicroFocus, they told me that the libimobiledevice.dll library was updated for Mobile Center 2.53 so it was determined that upgrading Mobile Center to version 2.53 would be the best option to pursue.
Please upgrade to Mobile Center 2.53 and your problem should go away.
Please remember that the Apple iOS Operating System is constantly being updated and Mobile Center is trying to keep up but may be slightly behind. So, whenever problems occur with your iOS devices, please make sure you have the proper version of Mobile Center to match the iOS version of your device. That can be checked in the Mobile Center help at:

Just change the 2.53 above to match your version of Mobile Center.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 216)
Answered on April 27, 2018 5:37 pm

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