Monitor system metrics in Loadrunner from BSM / Systems running OVO Perf Agent
Question ID: 105589

Is there a way to bring in system metrics that are being monitored by BSM on systems running the OVO Performance Agent directly into a loadrunner scenario to capture during a performance test?

Right now a client already has monitors set up in BSM. We want to integrate these monitors into a performance test scenario using Loadrunner 12.

All systems under test running AIX version 1.7
OVO/Performance agent version 11.10.103

Alternatively, could BSM monitors be forwarded to Sitescope directly without recreating everything from scratch in Sitescope so Loadrunner could pick up the metrics from there?

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Posted by (Questions: 9, Answers: 1)
Asked on September 15, 2014 5:54 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

The only way I think that you can integrate BSM with LoadRunner would be via the APIs associated with the products. You also can use LoadRunner's built-in monitoring capability or SiteScope to setup UNIX Resource Monitors and capture the system metrics.

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Posted by (Questions: 23, Answers: 4)
Answered on October 27, 2015 2:44 pm

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