mtbx file execution error from Jenkins using Build step “Execute OpenText test from file system”
Question ID: 110642

We are facing the issue in executing mtbx file from Jenkins Opensource version. Here is the scenario and files. Please help us in resolving the errors.

Tools Version:

-UFT version: 15.02

-Execution machine (slave): Windows Server 2019.

-Open source Jenkins.


1. See the attached mtbx files. One with parameters and one without.

2. Installed Jenkins Plugin : OpenText Application Automation Tools (latest version 23.4)

3. Executing mtbx file By using the Build step “Execute OpenText test from file system” option.

4. Getting the below error.


10/01/2024 22:00:16 Running: C:\Automation\QTP\Encompass\Main\Core2EDS\Test Script\EDS\EDS_9364_CompareAuditMaventReport_ComplianceServicePreviewReportN

Error: Number of parameters specified does not match the expected number.

Test result: Error

10/01/2024 22:00:22 Test complete: C:\Automation\QTP\Encompass\Main\Core2EDS\Test Script\EDS\EDS_9364_CompareAuditMaventReport_ComplianceServicePreviewReportN


10/01/2024 22:00:22 Running: C:\Automation\QTP\Encompass\Main\Core2EDS\Test Script\EDS\EDS_9343_RegZCDAudits_Fatal_Warnings_RefreshAuditN

Error: Number of parameters specified does not match the expected number.

Test result: Error

10/01/2024 22:00:22 Test complete: C:\Automation\QTP\Encompass\Main\Core2EDS\Test Script\EDS\EDS_9343_RegZCDAudits_Fatal_Warnings_RefreshAuditN


when executing the mtbx script  through jenkins, getting the above error. how to resole this.

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Posted by (Questions: 3, Answers: 0)
Asked on January 24, 2024 4:31 am
Answers (1)
Private answer


This is due to the latest plugin 23.4 you have added in your Jenkins  which was released on 7th December 2023  "hp-application-automation-tools-plugin". you can remove that latest plug-in(because it is very new and might not supporting the mtbx file to execute) and add the older plugin 7.6 which can be good enough to use and support the mtbx batch files.

Hope this Helps!



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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 3)
Answered on January 24, 2024 4:47 am

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