Need to use different ports in the UFT API test Endpoint Address
Question ID: 108526

When we import our WSDL into a UFT API test, we get our server information in the activity’s HTTP Endpoint Address field. (For example, if you use the UFT Flights Service API that comes with UFT, and drag the GetFlights Activity, then click the General Tab and expand the HTTP section).

I need to use different ports for different test environments in this field. When you use the Flights Service API, you can see it is populated with http://localhost:8000/HPFlights_SOAP. How can I configure this to use different ports in the Endpoint Address?

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Posted by (Questions: 387, Answers: 66)
Asked on July 25, 2018 3:06 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

There are a couple of ways to do this, both of which begin in the Start Node.

You could create an input parameter in the Inputs/Checkpoints tab that gets the server information you need to use from the UFT Run>Input Paramenters dialog. For more flexibility, you might want to create variables for both the hostname of the server and the port. This example just combines the 2 parts into a single variable.

![alt text][1]

You could also create a variable in the Test Variables tab and choose different profiles to use different server values.

![alt text][2]

Next, go to the Endpoint Address and click the Link To Data Source button. If you used an Input Variable, choose the ''Available Steps'' radio button, otherwise choose the ''Test Variable'' radio button.

![alt text][3]

Click Custom Expression and highlight ''localhost:8000'' in the link.

If you used the Input Variable, select the Start Node under the ''Select a step'' section, then choose the input variable you created. Click the add button. This changes the link to use the Input Variable.

![alt text][4]

If you used the Test Variable, select the variable under the ''Select test variable'' section, then choose the test variable you created. Click the add button. This changes the link to use the Test Variable.

![alt text][5]

Now you'll be able to pass in server information from the UFT Run>Input Paramenters dialog (or even ALM, see how here:, or you can use the Test Variables to assign the server information.

[1]: /storage/temp/862-endpoint-inputvar.png
[2]: /storage/temp/863-endpoint-testvar.png
[3]: /storage/temp/866-endpoint-link.png
[4]: /storage/temp/864-inputvar-link.png
[5]: /storage/temp/865-testvar-link.png

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Posted by (Questions: 18, Answers: 807)
Answered on July 25, 2018 3:14 pm
That is exactly what I need to accomplish our test goals. Thank you very much!!
( at July 25, 2018 3:17 pm)

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