Normal mode in UFT 12.02 and ALM
Question ID: 106005

I’m trying to set up UFT 12.02 to run in normal mode from a batch test in ALM. In QTP, I used to be able to modify the [RemoteAgent] in an .ini file. That doesn’t work now and was wondering if there is a different setting or something now?

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Posted by (Questions: 227, Answers: 22)
Asked on April 22, 2015 1:34 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Things are changed in UFT 12.02. In earlier versions you could change the mic.ini file which is covered in another thread. Here are the steps for UFT 12.02 (and higher):

1 Navigate to %APPDATA%Hewlett-PackardUFTPersistenceDialogs folder

2 Find and edit the RemoteAgentGUISettings.xml file with text editor

3 Search for the node true

4 Change the value from ''true'' to ''false''. The line should look like:

Note: If the user needs to revert back to Fast mode, then the value of the above line should be changed back to ''true''.

5 Try again launching the test from ALM. This time it should execute in normal mode, instead of fast mode.

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 477)
Answered on April 22, 2015 1:35 pm

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