Our ConnectAll services are messed up
Question ID: 109094

We were doing an upgrade of ConnectAll and our services are not starting — they look like they point to the wrong folder.

Is there an easy way to fix the Mule and Tomcat services?

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Posted by (Questions: 91, Answers: 5)
Asked on July 29, 2019 2:57 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

If your CA Mule or CA Tomcat service are not working or are missing, try this:

First (if you can see service in the SERVICES list) Find out short name for service.

From Services, Rt-Click on the service and select Properties.
Check that it is pointing to the correct PATH to the Executable - it might be pointing to the old/uninstalled one and you will need to re-install just the service.

Default is: CAMule

Open CMD with run-as-admin

Issue command:

Sc delete CAMule

Refresh services confirm it is gone.

You can do the same for CA Tomcat, if needed.

Then CREATE new services for Tomcat or Mule or both

Navigate to C:ConnectAllCATomcatbin

Issue command:

Service.bat install (new name)

If the ''new name'' argument is blank, it will create the service with the default name (like ''Apache Tomcat 8.5 Tomcat8''), but you can specify the name (similar to the original name for instance) with the new name argument.


Navigate to

Issue command:
mule install (new name)

If the name argument is blank, it will create the service with the default name (like ''ConnectAll-MuleV3.9''), but you can specify the name (similar to the original name for instance) with the new name argument.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on July 29, 2019 2:59 pm

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