Performance Center ”Host Installation is invalid” error
Question ID: 108505

The " Host’s installation is invalid" is displayed while trying to add a PC Host / LG . This is a PC Host installation and not a standalone.

Additional Details:
We are currently using PC12.53 version Patch4.We recently did a patch install to patch 4 from patch 1. After this we are unable to add one LG alone. We checked and found that all the required services are running as expected and required ports are listening (Open Bi-Directionally). We made sure the UAC and DEP was fully disabled.

Any thoughts or input would be helpful.Thank you

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Posted by (Questions: 159, Answers: 15)
Asked on July 17, 2018 4:48 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

To troubleshoot the error messages above, please check the following:

1. Is a proxy with NTLM authentication being used to connect to the PC Host machine? This could be cause for one of the errors. It may not allow the necessary communication to be passed through the designated ports.

2. On the machine that is having an error connecting in Lab Management, on that machine open IE ''as an administrator''. Navigate to your ALM URL (http://[ALM SERVER}:8080/qcbin, and open Lab Management. If you can access this site, ensure the following:
* ALM URL is added to the ''Trusted Sites'' in IE's internet options
* In Internet Explorer, select Tools > Internet Options. The Internet Options dialog box opens
* In the Security tab, select Trusted Sites, and click Sites
* If you are not using SSL, ensure that the Require Server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone option is not selected
* In the Add this website to the zone box, enter the Performance Center Server internal URL (http://[ALM server name]:8080/qcbin), and click Add

3. Make sure a network connection is available from one machine to the other. To check connectivity, make sure you can ping from one machine to another, or alternatively use telnet with port number
* Performance Center Server -HTTP (80, 8080) TCP (3333, 54245)
* Performance Center Host - HTTP (8731, 80, 8080) TCP (3333, 54245, 54345)

4. Ensure ALL ports are open bi-directionally

5. Ensure that the PC Host is in the same Domain as the ALM server and the ALM Database

6. If the Communication Security passphrase on the PC Host and the ALM server do not match. The two products cannot communicate.

7. No Network Firewalls are blocking the communication between the ALM and PC server to the PC Host

8. In Lab Management, the ALM internal and external URL's are correct
* Lab Management >PC Server > ALM Connection

9. In Lab Management, the PC servers internal and external URL's are correct
* Lab Management >PC Server > Details

Hope this helps.

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Posted by (Questions: 17, Answers: 266)
Answered on July 18, 2018 9:19 pm

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