QC11 Project Report – all attachments try to open from folder on generating PC – Report not portable
Question ID: 105152


I am following below steps to create a project report in QC11.

1. Click on "+" icon in Analysis to select "Project Report"
2. Add sections of report as below:
Test Instances
Test Runs
Run Attachments

Now after I hit generate, if I have jpeg or any screenshots attched , they are reported as screenshots in generated document and any pdf or word doc as links.

These links open only in my system where i generated the report, but If I send report to any other users, it doesn’t open the link as the path shows the local folder of my system.

We need to understand , is there a way we have to embed the attached files so that they wont be downloaded as local copies? Is there any other workaround?

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Posted by (Questions: 99, Answers: 7)
Asked on October 23, 2013 4:31 pm
Answers (2)
Private answer

I looked into the hyperlink paths in Word.

Solution/workaround (if you cannot upgrade to QC11.52 yet):

This is replicating what the new 11.52/Project Reports ''Download to ZIP'' feature does.
Since you have ALL of the ''attachments'' on your ''reporting'' PC and currently their default hyperlinks are in the Word Doc, you could ZIP The DOC file and attachments folder together and deliver that as your report.
It turns out that the WORD report already has relative paths to the attachments:
By default it stores the generated doc in this structure:

%Temp%\TD_80\ < < QCserver_name > > \ < < cryptic ProjectID > > \ Reports\ < < report-name > >

Then, under this folder, it has a Word doc with the same name as the report and a child folder called ''attach'' containing all of the attachment files referenced by the document.
If you ZIP the ''%Temp%\TD_80\ < < QCserver_name > > \ < < cryptic ProjectID > > \ Reports\ < < report-name > >'' folder into the .zip file, it will contain your DOC file and the attach folder.

If you then unzip/extract the < < report-name > > folder to some easier place to manage ''c:\temp'' say, then open the Word doc and follow an attachment link, it should read it from the new location.

Now, your report is ''portable'' and the ZIP can be given to anyone.

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Posted by (Questions: 91, Answers: 5)
Answered on October 23, 2013 10:04 pm
Private answer

I had your same behavior with 11.0 Patch 15.

Looking in QC11.52, Project Reports functionality has been updated to include
''Download to ZIP'' (this generates the doc in the format requested and zips it into the file with the same name as the report. The ZIP contains the doc as well as all attachments in an attachments folder. When the report-named folder is extracted, and the document opened, attachments are referenced with a relative path, so they will open when requested)
There is also an option to ''embed text and image attachments'' into the generated document. this would likely increase the size of your report, but would limit the need to follow attachment links.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on October 23, 2013 4:41 pm
We cannot upgrade yet to 11.52, so we need a workaround for now.
( at October 23, 2013 4:42 pm)
( at October 23, 2013 10:00 pm)

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