Quality Center 10.0 test plan test case template
Question ID: 104489

The Quality Center 10.0 instance I am using pre-populates the description tab of each test case with a template. This leads me to a couple of questions:

1. Where is this file located?
2. What is it called?
3. How can I edit it?

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 3)
Asked on April 6, 2012 9:50 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

Hi Sean,

I would start by talking to you Quality Center Admin regarding this. It sounds as this is customized workflow that is initiated upon the creation of a new test case. I would start by looking in the Customized Work Flow section (this would be under the Tools> Customize menu options). You will need to have access to this section to edit anything within it. Once you have access, I would start by looking under the workflow section within the test case specific sections (as that is where you noticed it, although it could be within the default section under the before posting section. It will more than likely be an executed subroutine to add that template within one of those sections. Like suggested prior I would contact your QC admin regarding this as they will be the one that needs to grant the access and approve of any changes you would make to this script. Customized workflow is the sole responsibility of the company instituting its usage and is generally not supported by HP nor is it guaranteed to be compatible and functional with future patches and versions.

I hope this helps some,

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Answered on February 21, 2013 9:13 pm

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