Receiving an Access Denied error when trying to run ALM tests from Jenkins
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Hello. I am getting access denied from the ALM execution on Jenkins. We resolved the issue by logging onto the controlling remote desktop, but I receive the following with Jenkins. ————————— 11:39:34 Test: [1]CheckServerStatus, Status: Unknown, Message: Test run stopped. [host: MACHINEAUTO5], Link: td:// 11:39:35 Test: [1]Flow OpenFloat, Status: Error, Message: Access is denied, Link: td:// 11:39:35 Test: [2]Flow OpenFloat, Status: Error, Message: Access is denied, Link: td:// 11:39:35 Test: [3]Flow OpenFloat, Status: Passed, Message: Test run passed. [host: MACHINEAUTO3], Link: td:// 11:39:35 Test: [4]Flow OpenFloat, Status: Error, Message: Access is denied, Link: td:// 11:39:35 Test: [6]Flow OpenFloat, Status: Error, Message: Access is denied, Link: td:// 11:39:35 Test: [7]Flow OpenFloat, Status: Unknown, Message: Test run stopped. [host: MACHINEAUTO5], Link: td://
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