I am trying to use the RTE protocol to connect to Linux server,I am able to capture the username and unable to capture the password of Linux server.Please refer below script
/* *** The terminal type is LINUX. */
"comm-type = telnet;"
"host-name = sdf.org;"
"telnet-port = 22;"
"terminal-id = sdf;"
"set-window-size = true;"
"security-type = ssh;"
"ssh-type = ssh2;"
"ssh-show-info = true;"
"ssh-show-login-dialog = true;"
"ssh-cipher = 3DES;"
"ssh-enable-compression = false;"
"ssh-enable-x11 = false;"
"ssh-attempt-tis = false;"
"ssh-allow-agent = false;"
"ssh-keyboard-interactive = true;"
"ssh-key-file = ;"
"ssh-username = sumi;" // Want to capture the Password also
"terminal-type = linux;"
"terminal-model = vt100;"
"login-command-file = ;"
"terminal-setup-file = ;"
, 60000);
Coould anyone help me on this.your reply is Highly appreciated