” SapGui numeric component type = 21 ”
Question ID: 104318

I have created a PFA but facing problem while executing it.Excell sheet is ok.Error is something like this " SapGui numeric component type = 21 " it is a warning message.
script is running with proper input of data but with the above warning notificatin are failing.
Please help

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 0)
Asked on February 11, 2011 11:07 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

Check the actual variable value in the spreadsheet. In SAP, it may be requiring an integer value, but a value read in from a DataTable cell is treated as a string and can cause problems if the field expects a numeric value.

If this is the case, you can convert the value from the DataTable by doing something like:

MyIntCellValue = Int(DataTable(''MyCell'',dtGlobalSheet))

The Int VBScript function converts a value to an integer.

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 477)
Answered on October 24, 2014 8:20 pm

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