Screenshots/attachments captured using Sprinter not available in ALM
Question ID: 107093

Hello. I am currently using ALM 11.52 Patch 3 with Sprinter 11.52 No Patch, and wanted to know if there is an issue with attachments captured in Sprinter Test Cases not being available in ALM? When my users take screenshots (using Sprinter) they can’t see the shots in ALM? What am I missing here?

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Posted by (Questions: 239, Answers: 31)
Asked on September 9, 2016 8:42 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

This is a known issue with HP, and the QCCR can be viewed by clicking the following QCCR link:

[QCCR1J29465 - Sprinter 11.5 is not saving the test authoring screen capture images in ALM Test Plan][1]

I have tested this searching through the repository on the back end, and the attachments are not available there either. Unfortunately, the only way the missing attachments can be viewed is by opening them using Sprinter.

In order for all future attachments to be available in ALM, you will need to do the following:

- Using Sprinter 11.52 - You will need to install patch 25 and set the ''DuplicateStepSnapshotAsAttachment'' key in the Sprinter.exe.config file to ''True''.
- Upgrade to Sprinter 12.20 - You will need to set the ''DuplicateStepSnapshotAsAttachment'' key in the Sprinter.exe.config file to ''True''.
- Upgrade to Sprinter v12.5x - No changes or patches are necessary.

Please click the following EyeOnTesting link regarding where to locate, as well as how to edit the ''DuplicateStepSnapshotAsAttachment'' key so any future attachments will be available in ALM:

[EyeOnTesting - Sprinter image save for test step visibility issue in ALM 11.52][2]

**Note:** You will need to have Patch 25 installed on Sprinter 11.52 in order for the ''DuplicateStepSnapshotAsAttachment'' key to be present in the Sprinter.exe.config file.


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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 300)
Answered on September 9, 2016 8:57 pm

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