Sprinter 12.20 and UFT 12.02 installs on same machine
Question ID: 105903

Now that Sprinter 12.20 has been released, curious about UFT integration. We have a few workstations that just upgraded to UFT 12.02.

I know of past incompatibilities and special steps to perform to have these apps share a workstation. We generally don't tend to try to have both on a machine, but some testing vms need to have both.

What is the general setup required to get both functioning?

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Posted by (Questions: 104, Answers: 0)
Asked on January 29, 2015 9:11 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer


You are right in that there are some requirements for Sprinter integration alongside of UFT. Sprinter 12.01 and Sprinter 12.20 have some specific versions that must match up along with a registry key manual addition requirement.

Sprinter 12.20 can be installed on the same machine as UFT 12.02 only. Sprinter tests cannot be run in Power Mode while UFT is running and UFT cannot run while Sprinter is running in Power Mode.
Installing Sprinter 12.20 may interfere with a manually entered UFT registry entry ''AbortIfHangInSendData'' under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMercury InteractiveQuickTest ProfessionalMicTest.Workaround: On machines with UFT 12.02, add this registry entry manually after the Sprinter installation.

Similar setup for Sprinter 12.01, just to make mention. Sprinter Service Pack 12.01 can be installed on the same machine as UFT Service Pack 12.01 only. Sprinter tests cannot be run in Power Mode while UFT is running and UFT cannot run while Sprinter is running in Power Mode.

Same registry key addition applies as well for Sprinter and UFT 12.01.

Generally speaking, results seem to show that UFT should be installed first and Sprinter after. And the versions must sync up or things will just not work properly.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 116)
Answered on January 29, 2015 9:14 pm
Again great stuff. Appreciate the notes for my users.
( at January 29, 2015 10:53 pm)

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