Test case locked to two users
Question ID: 106711

We have a test case that shows as locked to user exampleUser2 in the GUI. However he can’t check it in or undo the checkout; when I (as admin) try to undo the checkout I get a generic error message.

When I look in the Site Admin too, the VC_Test table shows me that two different users both have it checked out under version 3 – one user being exampleUser2, and the other as user exampleUser1, who was the last previous user to successfully check out and check back in a version.

How do correct this conflicting lock, or delete the lock, or delete the test case altogether? (we already have a copy)

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Posted by (Questions: 89, Answers: 0)
Asked on February 25, 2016 4:29 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

I have run into this before. Since two users have checked out the same version of the test neither can check it back in. All normal methods failed for me. HP has released the ''ALM VC Alignment Utility (KM01810473)'' that can check-in the test with out using VC or VCS objects.

- You will need to make a backup of your project(s) prior to using the utility
- You will have to run the utility from a workstation that has the client registered on it
- You will need to login with a user that is a member of the TDAdmin group for the project(s) that you will run the utility on

To get this utility you will need to speak to your Orasi / HP Support Engineer to see if this utility is appropriate to use in your environment.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 309)
Answered on February 25, 2016 4:32 pm

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