To use LoadRunner 12.01 what are the Permission requirements?
Question ID: 105660
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Posted by (Questions: 231, Answers: 18)
Asked on October 27, 2014 6:27 pm
Answers (1)
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From the LoadRunner 12.01 readme file:

The **Installation process**, for all components, requires a **full administrator** account (root account for Linux systems) for all operating systems. Also the **DEP, UAC and the Anti-virus Must be disabled** during installation.

**After installation**, all of the LoadRunner applications and components run under a standard user account (an administrator account is not required), with UAC and DEP enabled.

**Know permission issue are :**

- **Issue:** When running the LoadRunner License utility with UAC enabled, LoadRunner prompts you for administrator credentials.
- **Resolution:** Run the utility as administrator.
- **Issue:** When recording and replaying TruClient - IE scripts ( and recording Web protocol scripts) on a Window Server operating system, it is recommended to turn off Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration (IE ESC).
- **Resolution:** In Windows 2012 R2: Server Manager > Local Server > Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration.
In Windows 2008 R2: Server Manager > Security Information > Configure IE ESC.
- **Issue:** The IP Wizard does not function for a Limited user.
- **Resolution:** Run the IP Wizard with administrator permissions. The IP Wizard uses raw sockets to communicate with remote machines. Therefore, administrative privileges are required for opening and using raw sockets in socket-based communication. For more information, see [][1]. Alternatively, you can set the IP Wizard settings locally on the target machine.
- **Issue:** *When recording a Web-based protocol script, the recording may fail in certain installations, if Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is enabled*.
- **Resolution:** ***Disable DEP on your machine***. For details, see How to Record a Vuser Script in the User Guide.
- **Issue:** Unable to set agent Run-time settings (Start Menu >... > HP LoadRunner > Tools > Agent Runtime Setting Configuration or in icon-based desktops such as Windows 8, search for Agent and select the Agent Runtime Setting Configuration item) as a Limited user.
- **Resolution:** Run the tool with administrator permissions. The tool requires these permissions since it installs or removes the LoadRunner Agent Windows service.
- **Issue:** The network settings for load generators on Linux machines cannot be configured by a Limited user.
- **Resolution:** When working on a Linux operating system, run lr_agent_settings with administrator permissions.


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Posted by (Questions: 12, Answers: 384)
Answered on October 27, 2014 6:42 pm

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