UFT connection to ALM fails after SAAS changed to ”hpe”
Question ID: 107813

For our company, the SAAS URL was currently changed to: https://mycompany.saas.hpe.com/qcbin/
(Old URL: https://mycompany.saas.hp.com/qcbin/)

After the URL change, some of our QA team members can’t connect UFT to ALM. They are receiving the error:

"HP Unified Functional Testing…Failed to update components from server. Failure in Spider Module Process. This type of installation requires your application to be executed with administrator privileges, and the UAC is disabled…"

Performed the above recommendations, but still getting the error.

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Posted by (Questions: 424, Answers: 91)
Asked on July 29, 2017 5:55 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Try to refresh your affected UFT client machines' connectivity to QC/ALM:

a) Make sure you are a FULL ADMINISTRATOR on the machine (needed for first time connection between UFT and ALM).

b) Download, unzip, and run the QC/ALM Client Uninstall Utility and run a FULL/EXTENDED CLEANUP on the client machine. This will clean your QC/ALM client components.

(obtain ALMUninstaller.zip from your support provider)

c) Navigate to the QC/ALM URL to load the QC/ALM client components fresh from the server.

d) Log into QC/ALM > Help > ALM Tools

e) From the ALM Tools page, select ''HP ALM Connectivity'' and download/run on the client machine. You should receive an ''Installation Successful'' message (if it appears, click the ''This program installed correctly'' option in the Windows dialog box).

f) From the ALM Tools page, select ''HP ALM Client Registration'' and ''Register HP ALM.''

g) Open UFT and go to Tools > Options > GUI Testing > Test Runs > Make sure ''Allow other HP products to run tests and components'' is selected. Click OK.

h) In UFT, go to ALM > ALM Connection and connect to your QC/ALM server.

Also, include these steps on the affected clients after the refresh (and before opening UFT) to remove any reference to the old site:

1. In Windows, go to %LOCALAPPDATA% and go to {user}AppDataLocalHPUFT.

2. In the UFT folder, the file ''utt.config.LastQcConnection.xml'' contains the details for the current QC/ALM connection. Make a backup and delete this file.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 771)
Answered on July 31, 2017 3:37 am
This issue was resolved, after performing the steps recommended
( at July 31, 2017 1:23 pm)

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