UFT not selecting the correct instance when running test in ALM Test Set.
Question ID: 107415

UFT has the capability to run ALM test set instances. But is not retrieving the correct Configuration ID from the instance source.

1. Open UFT.
2. From UFT, login to an ALM project
3. Open any test in UFT that has test configurations.
4. Run the test and select the test set where you want the results to go.
5. Select an instance.
6. Click Run.
Here, the configuration id is always the same regardless which instance is selected.

![alt text][1]

[1]: https://content.screencast.com/users/richard.boettger/folders/Jing/media/28ff0cbf-2ad3-4981-9994-473b239afe65/2017-01-27_1327.png

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Posted by (Questions: 424, Answers: 91)
Asked on January 27, 2017 8:03 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Unfortunately, UFT isn't going to be very robust with Test Sets and Test Instances as ALM, but what you're asking is still I believe possible.

First, you must still specify your Test Set in ALM and add your Test Configuration instances:

![alt text][1]

There is no way around this. This is the only way UFT will pick up the Test Set and instances.

Next, note the order of the test instances. In our example, we have the first test instance TestA's ''TestA_config1'' test configuration, followed by the first test instance of the ''TestA_config2'' test configuration:


In UFT, when we open the Test and Run it, we can select the Test set (*only* because it's already been specified in ALM, from ALM...otherwise, if the Test was NOT associated with a Test Set already, you would not be able to choose ''Set I'' in our example).

Once the Test Set is selected, now you can choose the Instance:

![alt text][2]

It's confusing, because it's showing the available instances in the Test Set for that particular test...since we have two different Test Configurations, they are technically both the ''first'' test instance of each.

To select the particular Test Configuration you want, then, go by the order of instances from the previous step.

Now, what we can do to make absolutely sure your Test Instance number corresponds to the Test Configuration you want...is add Test Instances for *each* Test Configuration you want, then delete the extraneous instances, leaving the Config/Instances that correspond with each other.


*Add your Test Configurations to your target Test under Test Plan, and make sure you name the Test Configurations appropriately so you can easily identify them. In this example, I made 3 Test Configrations for TestA:

![alt text][3]

*Go to your target Test Set in Test Lab and add 3 total instances of TestA, each including all 3 Test Configurations:

![alt text][4]

![alt text][5]

*Remove the Test Instances where the Test Configuration/Instance don't correspond with each other:

![alt text][6]

*We've now forced our Test Configuration names to correspond with our Test Instance numbers (Test Instance 1 corresponds with TestA_config1, Test Instance 2 corresponds with TestA_config2, and Test Instance 3 corresponds with TestA_config3):

![alt text][7]

*Now, we can be sure UFT is using the desired Test Configuration when we select the corresponding Test Instance:

![alt text][8]

*We know that if we select Instance 3, it will use the TestA_config3 Test Configuration, etc.

[1]: https://content.screencast.com/users/richard.boettger/folders/Jing/media/99518918-05a1-452e-a66b-28b34ca4374f/2017-01-17_1633.png
[2]: https://content.screencast.com/users/richard.boettger/folders/Jing/media/101f1a28-124e-4e24-93ed-7def295bbc6e/2017-01-17_1638.png
[3]: https://content.screencast.com/users/richard.boettger/folders/Jing/media/5ac7922e-3ca4-46c1-9fc0-22e1fa1ab28f/2017-01-17_1648.png
[4]: https://content.screencast.com/users/richard.boettger/folders/Jing/media/5325ca2f-8cfd-4cbe-a71a-3cb106acf9f2/2017-01-17_1650.png
[5]: https://content.screencast.com/users/richard.boettger/folders/Jing/media/4f841acb-8592-4179-bb50-4374eef327ea/2017-01-17_1652.png
[6]: https://content.screencast.com/users/richard.boettger/folders/Jing/media/d807b1fe-bb9d-42a8-b6c3-209b2a34eeb9/2017-01-17_1654.png
[7]: https://content.screencast.com/users/richard.boettger/folders/Jing/media/1cce2d53-46f5-439c-9c76-8eefd6cc571a/2017-01-17_1658.png
[8]: https://content.screencast.com/users/richard.boettger/folders/Jing/media/d96e037d-a92c-47f4-b113-5616f1b782c3/2017-01-17_1703.png

Marked as spam
Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 771)
Answered on January 27, 2017 8:08 pm
Great workaround! Thanks!!
( at January 27, 2017 8:09 pm)

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