UFT Screenshots no longer displaying in the run results report when using IE
Question ID: 108906

Hello. Just recently, we have noticed that the screenshots captured during our automation runs, are no longer displayed in the run results report when viewing them using IE. Just a couple of weeks ago, they were viewable in the IE version of the run results report. Currently, the only way the screenshots are viewable in the run results report, is when using the Chrome browser. We are currently using ALM v12.55.113, UFT v14,03.3501, and IE v11.0.9600.19266CO / 11.0.110, and this issue is currently affecting approximately 20 users.

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Posted by (Questions: 239, Answers: 31)
Asked on March 21, 2019 6:51 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Hello. I have found where there has been an issue caused by a Microsoft Security update that was introduced in February of 2019 that is causing images to not load properly when they have a backslash () in their relative path. The information explaining this issue, and the hotfix can be found at the following link.


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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 300)
Answered on March 21, 2019 6:52 pm
I applied the hotfix, and now the screenshots are viewable in the run results report when using IE. I appreciate your help with this. Thanks!
( at March 21, 2019 6:53 pm)

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