UFT tests that change date and time seem to mess up our seat license.
Question ID: 107902

We have some tests that alter the computer’s date and time to test password expirations. This seems to cause our seat license to get corrupted. It seems to go back to the Demo license but says it is expired.

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Posted by (Questions: 387, Answers: 66)
Asked on October 19, 2017 8:20 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

This type of issue is a known limitation of Seat Licenses. UFT checks the date/time for tampering. If you continue to run the tests that change the date/time using a seat license, you'll continue to experience the issue and may even completely lock out the ability to use UFT, in which case you'd have to get a cleaning key from Micro Focus (https://softwaresupport.hpe.com/group/softwaresupport/search-result/-/facetsearch/document/KM01903662).

I recommend using a concurrent license when running this type of test because the date/time on the concurrent license server won't be changing, only the UFT client machine. So when you have to run this type of test, temporarily switch to a concurrent license server.

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Posted by (Questions: 18, Answers: 807)
Answered on October 19, 2017 8:23 pm
Very helpful. Fortunately we have a concurrent server too so we'll be able to try this.
( at October 19, 2017 8:25 pm)

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