Unable to build the analysis report in LoadRunner Analysis version 11.04?
Question ID: 105195

We had an execution and were unable to build the analysis report. Analyzer stuck at 24% in trying to create the report. Please see the screen shot. Any input would be great.
![alt text][1]

[1]: /storage/temp/161-directorytolarge.jpg

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Posted by (Questions: 159, Answers: 15)
Asked on December 27, 2013 3:16 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Based on the limited information you provided your analysis session is failing because the result directory is too large for the Access database to handle. It is recommended that you use the SQL server instead.

The reason this failure is The Microsoft Access database created by the Analysis has grown to over 2GB. There is a 2GB limit on the size of a MS Access database

To correct this issue

1. Open the ...LoadRunnerbindatLoaderSettings.ini file in notepad

2. Under the [MsrsTreePath] section, change the value of the Max records to a higher value than the default one (double it).

3. Under the [Breakdown_map] section, change the value of the Max records to some higher value than the default one(double it).

4. Retry

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Posted by (Questions: 12, Answers: 384)
Answered on December 27, 2013 3:20 pm

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